Passion Week 2020 | Saturday

Passion Week | Saturday
Philip Ellwood shares reflections on the silence of Saturday.
(This is podcast that was recorded for Easter Saturday 2018, but resonates very much so in our current situation.)
Listen below or right click here to download.
Family Ideas:
1) There’s not a new Bible passage to read today. Talk together about how Jesus’ friends might have been feeling on the Saturday. Be honest together and with God about things where it might feel like God is ‘silent’. Talk to God about these things.
2) How do you feel the day before your birthday? Or the day before something exciting. Talk about what we know is coming tomorrow. Watch the video ‘It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming.’
Are you seeing God work through your life this week? Do you have a story to tell of His faithfulness, provision or guiding? We would love to hear from you! Email stories[at]