Passion Week 2020 | Friday

Passion Week | Good Friday
Jason Stocks reads Luke 22:47 - 23:56 and responds in a prayer on this significant day.
Listen below or right click here to download.
Family Ideas:
1) Provide everyone in your family with plain paper and different coloured pens/pencils. Explain that the passage that we are reading today is a long passage. Whilst everyone is listening, encourage them to respond to what they are hearing on the paper. Each person might respond in a different way (ideas might be pictures, words, different colours to represent different parts of the text, prayers, poems, etc.).
2)Read ‘A Dark Night in the Garden’ and ‘The Sun Stops Shining’ from pages 294 to 309 of The Jesus Storybook Bible. Each person to share what they have recorded on their paper and use this to pray about each person’s response to what has just been read.
Are you seeing God work through your life this week? Do you have a story to tell of His faithfulness, provision or guiding? We would love to hear from you! Email stories[at]