Passion Week at King’s Church: Prayers, Podcasts and Services (PPS)

Once again, during this Passion Week we want to take time to slow down, reflect, worship and pray as we follow Jesus' last week in Jerusalem leading up to his crucifixion, burial and resurrection. There are three ways (PPS - Prayer, Podcasts, Services) that we will be doing this.


This coming week, we want to take time to focus upon prayer, as church community. As well as praying on your own, there will be a number of different zoom prayer meetings over the course of the week. We’d encourage you to join the zoom prayer meetings, wherever possible. Each prayer meeting will be led by a different member of the church.

  • Mon 29th March 12.30-13.00

  • Tues 30th March 07.30-08.00

  • Tues 30th March 20.00 - 21.15 (This is a whole church prayer meeting which will be taking place instead of Life Groups.)

  • Wed 31st March 07.30-08.00

  • Thurs 1st April 12.30-13.00


From Monday 29th March to Saturday 3rd April we will be releasing a short podcast each day. Each podcast will be from a different member of the church. We will hear different voices drawing out different aspects of the Easter story to help us pause, reflect and worship Jesus, our Saviour.


  • We will have a zoom Good Friday Service, 9.30-10.30am on Friday 2nd March. It will be fairly informal. We’ll worship, read the Easter story together (many different people will read it), break bread together and have a short talk.

    • Zoom details: 862 350 316; Password: prayer

  • Easter Sunday, Sunday 4th April, 10.30-11.30am we will be celebrating Jesus’ resurrection and what that means. It is “Try Church Sunday”. We are thrilled to have Adrian Holloway speaking and it will be a great morning to invite friends, neighbours and family.

    We are praying that you will encounter Jesus profoundly during this coming Easter week.


Selected Readings from 50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die (Day 9)


Selected Readings from 50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die (Day 8)