Passion Week 2020 - Tuesday

Passion Week | Tuesday
Ellen Spear shares reflections from Mark 12:28-34.
Listen below or right click here to download.
Family Ideas:
1) Read together the passage from Mark 12:28-34.
2) As a family talk about who is our neighbour and how can we love our neighbours at this time of social isolation?
3) Memory verse: Mark 12:30-31. Learn this verse by singing the song and doing the actions to the Seeds Family Worship song ‘Greatest Commandment’
4) Cut out a heart shape. Write or draw on one sideways that we can love God and on the other sideways that we can love other people. Pray together about what you have put on each side of the heart.
Are you seeing God work through your life this week? Do you have a story to tell of His faithfulness, provision or guiding? We would love to hear from you! Email stories[at]