
Written by Kate Goddard

 On Saturday 22nd April, I struggled out of the house, past whining children (mummy! Why do you have to go out mum??!) and breakfast debris, running far later than I had planned… I then battled with delayed buses and roadworks before arriving at Everyday Church Kingston for the Devoted women’s day….…And relax!... It was wonderful to have some time and space away from the normal routine of everyday life (thanks to my husband, Mark!). Such a blessing to have dedicated time to worship and pray and encounter Jesus; and we certainly had the opportunity to do all of that. The speakers, Philbe and Amanda from the King’s Arms Church, Bedford, spoke truth with love and warmth; gave practical tips (eg anger management for kids – get them to shout into a cushion!); set realistic challenges; and, most significantly for me, led us in times of quiet reflection to really encounter Jesus.Philbe spoke about the characters of Mary and Martha – about how significant they were to Jesus and also explored a little of their personalities. Philbe helped reinforce how important it is to serve from a place of grace, not anxiety - pointing out that Martha was doing a good work but got distracted and worried by the detail.  She also reminded us that in times of stress we should lift our eyes to Jesus – this might not change our circumstance but will definitely change our perspective.

in times of stress we should lift our eyes to Jesus – this might not change our circumstance but will definitely change our perspective.

Amanda spoke from Song of Songs, about how we will never have more passion for Jesus than we understand of his passion for us. Such important truths to hear! She challenged us to replace any comparison (to others) with thanksgiving – as comparison can only lead to either pride or feelings of insignificance. Instead, we can know that God has ordained the race set out for us and that Jesus is there to run the painful bits with us. It was such an encouragement to be reminded that God enjoys who he has made us to be.Thanks Becca for such a great day – it was brilliant to be together with women from churches across Kingston. Well organised, welcoming, colourful, and of course all served with great coffee and cake!As someone else said straight afterwards… when is the next one?!


Ebenezer Scrooge, a stone and a party


Coffee, Cake & Candlelight | The Marriage Course