Blaze Holiday Club | May 2018

 46 Children, over 200 strawberry laces and all of the essential superhero gear can only mean one thing - the Blaze holiday club!After a year of running Blaze after-school club at Kingston Community School (KCS) and building some great relationships with the children and staff, we felt it was time to extend what we could offer to provide an exciting and fun club during the school holidays. So, on the Tuesday and Wednesday mornings of May half term, the Blaze holiday club was born.Unlike the Blaze after-school club, which provides for the children who attend KCS, Blaze holiday club was designed to welcome children from King’s Church, the local community and the school and it was great to see children from each of these groups making friends and having a great time.With a superhero theme, the children got to enjoy crafts, games, songs and challenges, but the highlight of the two days was learning about how Jesus is the greatest superhero of all! Day one was focused on how Jesus calmed the storm and on day two we learned how Jesus rose from the dead. It was great to see the children engaged in all of the activities, asking some brilliant questions and being amazed at Jesus being the ultimate superhero.One of the most encouraging things about the two days was the feedback received from both the children and the parents. One family had only planned to come along for the first day, but after having so much fun, decided to cancel their original plans for the second day and come along instead! Many other parents remarked at what a great time their children had and thanked the leaders for their hard work. Other parents have already asked when we will be doing the next one!All of the leaders were fantastic in getting alongside the children and worked really hard to make the club an excellent experience for every child who came along, It was wonderful to work together with an amazing team from King’s Church, both those who regularly serve within the children’s work teams and those who don’t. It was also great to partner with KCS who supported the club and really got behind what we were doing.After such a positive two days I can’t wait to see how God will work through what we are doing and I’m looking forward to continuing what we have begun. Watch this space!!


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