The Bible In Two Years Blog: Seeing God turn things round for good: Nigel’s story

The passages this week centre on Job and Matthew and there are a couple of common themes:-

‘Who is in charge of our lives?’ and ‘Do not judge’

I will concentrate on the Book of Job. It is a challenging book for even the most mature Christian! I had been retired just over 6 months and had just read this book back in October 2015 when days later my first wife Angela suddenly passed away during the night. Like Job, I spoke to God and slowly processed what had happened. Thankfully, I gained great comfort from knowing that she knew Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. There was huge anguish and grief but I didn’t experience anger as I knew God was with me and Jason (my son). I also knew that everyone will die at some stage, that we are passing through and that God was, is and always will be in charge of that.

Gradually I could see a way ahead. I drew great comfort from various Bible verses, in particular, Jeremiah 29v11 ‘For I know plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’.

Job’s comforters seemed to suggest that Job had sinned and this approach was not helpful. Indeed, by the end of the Book of Job, God having reminded Job that He had created everything, even in the most minute detail then goes onto bless Job more abundantly than before all the calamity which he had experienced. Job says ‘I know that you can do all things;   no purpose of yours can be thwarted Job 42 v2.

God even tells the 3 comforters to repent of their sin of judging Job and offer burnt offerings to him. He then humbles them!

‘My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly.’

In contrast, I experienced just the opposite. Everyone at Kings Church and my family, both on my side and Angela’s side were immensely supportive.

Eventually, I was even able to reach a position as a widower whereby I could consider remarrying. The key to this was that Angela and I had talked about this eventuality of either of us dying and had both given each other the go-ahead to remarry if we wanted to. It is a very important conversation to have.

Nearly 2 years after Angela died, I met Christine and the rest is history!

We married in July 2018 with full blessing from Christine’s, Angela’s and my families. Indeed, Angela’s Mum welcomed Christine into the family as if she were her own daughter. I asked Christopher, one of Angela’s Brothers to be best man and many of you will remember what a joyful occasion it was.

 Christine and I immediately began to strengthen links with the local community. Then, Elderberries started in January 2019 and we were there from its start. It is like God has given us an extended family to care for and it just seems to be going from strength to strength, numerically and spiritually (one person already wants to do the Alpha course and we believe for more).

Similarly, God has blessed Jason with an amazing place to live (L’Arche, London a Christian based charity based in West Norwood, South East London). He is thriving there.

So when I look back I can hardly believe how God has turned things around for good. He never said life would be easy just because we are Christians but He does say that He will never leave us nor forsake us!


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